If you were ever going to run into some aliens on a dark night driving in the hills, the Chintribbi are just the type you want to meet. They are totally non-violent and very welcoming, though they do expect you to shake each one of their seventeen tentacles (rather a slimy experience). They possess the ultimate intergalactic travel system, which they call the "Thought Drive". This means that just by projecting their thoughts into the central core of the ship's drive array they can travel through wormholes faster than any other alien race. Because of this, they view travel round the universe much as we would a year's round-the-world trip. Basically, they're intergalactic tourists. They'll pick up humans here not to do experiments on them, but to treat them to one of their famous Chintribbi banquets, which go on for at least a week, with copious amounts of Chintribbi liquor to wash it all down. They then sit around and tell jokes, each one usually lasting for an hour, with their long, slow , sonorous laughs booming on for another hour. Our researcher took a week to recover from his hangover, but we've got a short clip of the laugh he recorded. Click on the picture above to listen. And remember; if a Chintribbi picks you up for a party, make sure you put in for a two-week vacation from work. You'll need it.

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