Hell fire! What a dull lot! The Ziggitrood are the bores of the galaxy. They'll tell the worst jokes ever, and then laugh at them. They can literally bore you to death, which our researcher almost succumbed to, escaping death by a hair's breadth. They hang around in single sex groups and only get together to reproduce once every two years, which might take between a week and three months depending on the receptivity of the males. This is the only time when their laughs are complex or interesting. Anyone can join in and our researcher had a whale of a time, literally, because that's how big they are. Click on the picture above to listen. And that's about it. When you're the most boring being in the whole galaxy, there's not much else to say about you. Apart from your three thousand year lifespan. And your tendency to bore others to death and absorb their life force, which is how they get to three thousand.

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