These are the ultimate in communally living and laughing aliens, even laughing in a carefully orchestrated and ceremonial fashion. They have no real reason to laugh, but they just do it when they like it. They have stringent guidelines for the organisation of their laughs. They elect one of their number to be a laugh-leader for the equivalent of just over seven of our years. This leader then appoints parts to each member of the laughter group, and they rehearse regularly until they can repeat it for up to an hour with no mistakes. They introduce complex variations into the laugh, and change their parts every few days to keep themselves on their toes (they've got 26 each). Ultimately, they sound ridiculous to us, but to say that to them would be a gross insult, almost certainly resulting in instant dismemberment and sacrifice on the altar to their supreme deity Aggrukkarrrhobbggruudthth, which could be quite painful to say the least owing to their practice of injecting a drug that keeps you alive for five years even after dismemberment. Other than that, they're quite easy-going and pretty-well mind their own business, though they did sacrifice our researcher after he tactlessly fell asleep after a two hour movement. Click on the picture above to listen. And remember to practise staying awake for two days if you ever go to visit them.

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kadak pushmugrok simpombo taaponixuu tugtug ungugamea ziggitrood zoobi

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