The Ikrikootin resemble squids, only they don't live in water and have copious amounts of body hair. They live in family groups of two mothers, five fathers and up to thirty children and assorted other relatives. They laugh in unison, especially when doing the equivalent of our watching the evening comedy show on television (don't ask for an explanation). The oldest member of the family usually starts and ends, while one mother rises and falls and the others provide the harmonies. They have no home world since theirs was destroyed in a supernova, but they wander the galaxy in alien equivalents of caravans. They are nice enough to know but tend to keep you up with all-night parties. Click on the picture above to listen. And if you ever happen onto one of their parties, you'll certainly be called on to contribute to their laughter.

chintribbi drapiomigga fengobiga gandombrisleeg het hukkahukka ikrikootin jemhreeb
kadak pushmugrok simpombo taaponixuu tugtug ungugamea ziggitrood zoobi

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