The Pushmugrok is a hybrid race, made up of the Pushmu, who are tall, slim creatures, with slow, graceful movements and smooth green skin, apart from their orange heads and blue hair, and the Grok, who are short, fat and hairy, with four feet, two on each leg, claws for hands, six eyes and two noses. They bond for life, literally, and though to all intents and purposes they become one being, they retain their separate personalities. They produce two young in their lives, always one of each type. They tend to laugh together when they just feel good, especially as the Pushmu never tell jokes and the Grok only tell them to each other. The Grok personality starts off the laugh and laughs for most of the time, until the Pushmu completes it with a short coda. Click on the picture above to listen. But be careful. Never approach them during the bonding ceremony, since you might find you can't get away as the forces of attraction literally pull everything around them into the bonding. And you really don't want a short, fat, hairy body stuck to you for the rest of your life.

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